Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Web 2.0 vs Onboard Software Survey/Petition

Let us congratulate Unbound Medicine for being the first to provide us with medical reference titles for the iPhone.
There is,however, concern among medical professionals that only Unbound Medicine has made the leap to provide Web 2.0 titles for the iPhone.
Let us know if the lack of Web 2.0 options or the lack of ability to load software directly on the iPhone is affecting your decision to make a purchase.
Also,let us know which titles, if made available would clinch the sale.

Add your name and comments here and we will add your voice to others and send your opinions to Apple, Epocrates, Skyscape and others. SV

Unbound Medicine


Unknown said...

Hi Sal, Thanks for starting this petition. I knew prior to waiting in line for 3 hours for my iPhone that ePocrates and other medical software would not be available on the device, save for the web-based versions of the programs. I've tried both ePocrates Online and Unbound Medicine's UCentral via EDGE and WiFi and both have proven to be too slow, compared to the instant access afforded by the Palm/Windows CE apps that run directly on other PDAs. I think we all know that the iPhone has tremendous potential in the medical arena, as evidenced by HeartIT's wireless PACS system. In leaving my comments here I hope that we can convince Apple to see this. On this note, I have also started a petition along the same efforts. If anyone wishes to sign that as well, please visit the following link. Thank you.

Salvatore Volpe MD FAAP FACP CHCQM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Salvatore Volpe MD FAAP FACP CHCQM said...

Thanks Steve.
Glad to be working with a fellow Blogger.

Okay folks, I'd like to see how the rest of you feel on this issue.

Frank Starling said...

Our school requires us to have PDAs when in the hospital, with recommended programs such as ePocrates, FirstConsult, and UpToDate. With 170 students in my class, that's an awful lot of potential customers who will be buying Treos and such instead of a sexy new iPhone. The ONLY reason I am not considering buying an iPhone is the fact that these software titles are not available....yet.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

skyscape offers all the leading clinical references by wiley, lippincott, etc on the iphone (and all other platforms). skyscape also has the A-Z drug reference and 5 minute consult, which are practically identical to the epocrates product.

brianyoshi said...

I'm a 4th yr med student and in the same boat as many of these folks. I would love an iPhone but I'm holding out until I know I can use ePocrates...otherwise, I may have to get a Treo.

Unknown said...

Hi there! I´m a 4th year med studant from Brazil, and the iPhone will not be helpful here until it serve as a simple PDA. Open Epocrates, Isilo files, ...
So ... Apple would have advantage to compete with anothers PDA´s too.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to see some momentum building for this type of provider interface in the healthcare world.

I'm a dentist that works with a web-based practice management and clinical management application. The application is Denticon and the company is Planetdds ( We've created the interface with the iPhone, and it works really well - I can easily access health history, patient data, radiographs (obviously a lot easier for dental than medical), write scripts, etc., etc.

mikelrss said...

I am an anesthesiologist who would love to upgrade to an Iphone if medical software was available. My Treo 600 is a terrible phone, but I do use epocrates and my anesthesia text on it everyday. the Treo is failing now, so i'll probably have to get a new Blackberry with the smaller screen.

Anonymous said...

I am another medical student that is required to get a PDA for school. I would get an iPhone in a heartbeat if there was medical software that could be loaded onto it. The web-interface programs take too long to load, especially in hospitals, and I would like to see software available for download. I hope it happens soon! I have many friends who are waiting to see if iPhone software will be available in the next 6 months before buying something like a Treo.

Anonymous said...

I am a physician and I am waiting until I can get medical software on the Iphone before I buy one. until then I will stick with my palm. I know many of my colleagues are doing the same.


Unknown said...

Skyscpae has made their products available on iPhone, using the iPhone browser. And this work fantastically fine for me!

Anonymous said...

For any Mac enthusiasts out there, MacPractice has developed an application for the iPhone that works with their practice management software.

Lakshmi said...

I'm a medical student planning on starting my 3rd year in 2009. With the expected release of the 3G iPhone, I will be more likely to buy one and hope that native medical apps will be available by the time I start. I would love to see ePocrates (they are working on it), UpToDate, and Unbound Medicine run natively on the iPhone before July '09!

I emailed UpToDate about it, and they gave me a formulaic response: "UpToDate has not announced any plans to be compatible with the iPhone".